Sorry for not posting in ages but it's been soo hot here XD
It just makes you so lazy!
But anyway, I went to sthlm to both visit my friend Sven and also go
to a meet (with "fandom theme" XD) We had a really nice time
going aroundjust talking and looking at stuff at "The sci-fi bookstore"
(who really do have a lot more than sci-fi and books XD).
I Didn'r buy anything but I saw true blood bottles with bloodgrapejuice
and a zombie board game that I really want to buy but I just recently
bought Transformers-Risk so I didn't have a good excuse to but it now X)
So this is what we looked like:

I'm to the far left :)
My outfit rundown:
Dress: ETC
Parasol, Bag: Btssb
Socks: Sockdreams
Shoes: Bodyline
Headdress: Monki
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