Yesterday when I was looking through my closet for something to wear,
I found a brown skirt I'd totally forgotten about, so I decided to try some
Mori-inspired gal. I really love the Mori estethics, and I'll probably do it
more times ^^

The day before I followed Michelle Phans tutorial on Paperbag curls.
So my hair was super curly ^^
When fixing my hair I felt really inspired by Rie Matsuoka (Okarie), the Ank Rouge girl.
(Damn that brand has some lovely clothes *faint*)
Next time I'll use something bigger to curl on though, so the curls aren't so tiny X)

I met Becci and we went to a second hand store first to try
to get our hands on some vintage finds and I didn't find much but Becci found
some stuff but then decided the line was waaay to long so we hopped on the
bus and went to eat cheap food at Ikea and the spend the day at Marieberg,
a big mall outside of Örebro.

When we went in the store Wear It I couldn't belive I found these
really awesome legwarmers! I really love the legwarmer trend so
even though I shouldn't have, I HAD to buy them X)
I was so suprised because I have never seen fluffy legwarmers in any
store in sweden before, besides stores for ravers and stuff.

Really cute!
SvaraRaderai love that lagwarmer trend too Q___Q
SvaraRaderain germany not many but some stores had them! but they were sold out before I knew about it Q___Q
It's so sad! And saddest thing about it is:
No one wears them. They're fucking SOLD OUT and I haven't seen a single person who wears them >.> What are they doin with them?
Just read ur Post on e_g ur lovley and ur blog is too <3
Bianca: Thanks :D
SvaraRaderaDodo-Vogel: Haha, maybe they're tucking them away so that people who really want them can't have them? ;D But I think it's the same here with tails, one store had them and now they are sold out although I've only seen them on other gyarus oO
Thank you so much ^^
Oh, I really like your outfit♥
SvaraRaderaYour blog looks nice and I think I'll start following you : >