Today i went to Marieberg (a big shoppingmall outside örebro)
with Lisette (her blog: )
We've also ordered from bodyline and I bought some Lolita stuff
from a friend so here's some pics of what I bought! ^^

Pink Lolita coat from Bodyline.
Icecream t-shirt from Cubus.
Pastel Bracelets and Necklace from Kappahl.
Headbands from Kappahl.
Mini bear bag from Bodyline.
White bow Earrings from Kappahl.
Stars hairpins from Cubus.
Blue Bows from Baby the stars shine bright.
Little bear from Bodyline .
Pink skirt with dots from Myrorna (second hand).

Offwhite Parasol from Baby the stars shine bright
Black Parasol from Metamorphose
Heartbag from Baby the stars shine bright
Blouse from Innocent world

When I was trying to takes pictures my cat (Texas)
was trying to lay down to get some cuddles X)
He's so cute!
Du har hemskt fina kläder, och hjärtväskan är helt underbar!
SvaraRadera//Amanda, Peter och Fredriks kusin! ^^
Cute stuff! ^^