

Hello again!

Sorry for not updating in such a long time, lots of stuff have been going on lately.

When I got back from Oslo I went straight to school were I had my room since it's
so far away from Örebro, my hometown. But i decided to quit school the following week
and move back to Örebro. I'm happy with my decision and I'll pick up my studies again
this fall.

So now I'm home again and looking for an apartment here in Örebro, crossing my fingers I'll get one soon! :D

So anyway the other day I was hanging out with my oldest friend Victoria and we just went around
town and then bought some Thai food, it was a really chill, nice day ^^

So this is what I looked like:


(Just ignore that the mirror is doing something weird with my face)

(Me and Victoria and my duckface is creatively censored XD)

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